Banco ESA

Acerca de

Este sitio se encuentra actualmente en desarrollo.

«En estos momentos estamos cortos de fondos para traducir al español o castellano, en breve le daremos curso.»


Gerente del Tesoro


Banco ESA! 
(Electronic SA)

Following the rules of the monetary system, it is necessary for this bank to have economic and financial backing.
Therefore we’ve created a new currency as paintings on canvas. These new bills are made by the artist under a new monetary standard called Oil and Canvas Standard (El Patrón Óleo y Lienzo).

Oil and Canvas Standard is the relationship between the creation of the painted bills (the artwork) and its market value.
Originally, the Dollar bill’s value corresponded to that of gold until the Dollar Standard was first introduced in the year 1944.
At that moment, the value of the dollar ceased to represent that of gold and it began to be backed by itself and what it represented, this is called fiduciary or unsupported paper currency.
Today, Bitcoin has emerged as an alternative to the existing currency system. This digital, encrypted, secure and anonymous currency is based on mathematical principles, therefore it cannot be modified.

Our main goal is to create a kind of analog Bitcoin, based on our own model, the Oil and Canvas Standard.

The way to trade currencies at the ESA Bank relates to the logic behind the management of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, that is, in a capricious
and arbitrary way. I feel that as a citizen of the world and as a creative entity I’m entitled to generate capricious and arbitrary rules, at least in my work.